Saturday, June 12, 2010

Long Time, No Blog

Whew! It's been a while hasn't it? I sort of took a month off, what with out of town guests, birthdays and trips to Texas, I hadn't a spare moment to collect my thoughts, much less write them down with the humor and wit you good people have come to expect from my little ol' blog.

I'm also participating in a creative boot camp to jump start the artistic motor within. It's a pretty cool deal, so check it out if you're into writing, painting, photography, needlepoint, whatever, and need a little kick in artsy pants.

I've got some fun stuff to post, just as soon as I get a chance to breath. In the meantime, feel free to write me with suggestions, comments, free gifts, snide remarks, whatever ya like. I always love me some feedback!


  1. <whip crack Get to it, woman! :)

  2. "creative boot camp"?? sounds intereesting... is it online or a class? i'm taking a little artsy plunge too... I fanned Painting with a Twist on Facebook, a new place that is opening at the end of the month . I will send a link to your Facebook email so you can check it out. I signed up for the July 19th class and we will be painting a "Funky Chandelier".There was a class the first week of July I really wanted to sign up for , but it is when I will be at the Frio River :(.I think Kim is going to sign up to and you can bring wine and snacks to the class- i'm all about it :) Have a great day !
    <3 laurie
