Monday, April 19, 2010

Lazy Saturday Afternoon

In order to keep our green thumbs motivated ("green" may be a bit of a stretch for us...) Laura and I like to mosey on over to the Green Parrot Nursery down the street to see what's shakin' in the flora world. As I've mentioned before, they've been renovating up a storm, so there's always something new to check out. Laura was able to find the gardenias she's been wanting, and I found some edemame plants I'm quite interested in. I have to do some more research, though, to see if they'll survive long enough down here to yield a whole bowl of soybeans.

Flowers bought, we walked home and sat on the porch chit chatting and chalking on the sidewalk. Then I saw the weirdest thing- a rat! On the telephone line across the street! It was huge!!! I started pointing and screaming, and a guy who had been turning his car around thought I was referring to him. He gave us an odd, somewhat scornful look and sped away. I felt kind of bad, but I wasn't yelling at him, I was yelling about the rat! I don't now where it went once it jumped onto a tree, but I hope I never see it ever again. However, the unwanted rodent drew our attention to the telephone pole, and to the sign upon said pole. Braving the possibility of attack, we (cautiously) walked to the other side of the road to check it out. It stated that there would be no parking on Wednesday from 5am to 3pm due to filming. I desperately want to know what's going down, but don't know who to call find out. They film so many things here. But we've all decided to get up early Wednesday and sit on the porch to gawk at the happenings on our fair street. Our luck they'll just park a huge prop trailer in front of our houses and do the interesting stuff elsewhere. Who knows, maybe we'll get spots as extras.

And, possibly, one step closer to Ryan Reynolds.

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